I'll Ride That Mustache Off Your Damn Face!


We have to hand it to Axe. For years, they've managed to keep the central idea of their brand alive. With each outing, the message is the same: Axe attracts women and serves them up to the whims of men. Of course, that's not at all true but it makes for a great ad campaign.

The latest entry in the campaign is The Axe Naughty to Nice Program which plays out the continuing scenario of women going crazy in the presence of men wearing Axe products. This time it's about women who turn into lust-crazed vixens and commit crimes. The Naughty to Nice Program aims to rehabilitate these women.

The campaign centers around a pseudo news report from mustache-wearing Jonathan Bauer who interviews an Axe PR guy who, as PR people will do, can't help himself from repeating the Axe mantra over and over again. The video also shares the inside story on the prison these naughty girls are sent to so they can be "cured." The ending is pretty predictable but funny enough.

Despite an apparent backlash in high schools across the nation at which girls say they'd never date a guy who wore Axe, sales continue to do well. BBH New York created.

by Steve Hall    Sep-12-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Video   

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