'Big Bang' Flips with (Too Much) Ease from Smart to Banal


We're not sure how or why, but while trying to steal a Rich Media ad off MySpace we ended up downloading a widget for CBS' The Big Bang Theory.

After contemplating the widget for awhile we decided to look up the show. That quest brought us to this trailer, which is really less a trailer than a three-minute hard sell with a laugh reel and every cliche imaginable, strangely coupled with Bill Gates philosophy and new media name-dropping.

Revenge of the Nerds, meet Generation Web 2.0. It's just too bad the plotline doesn't quite meet the modern mark. The only card CBS didn't play (to our surprise) was making the geeks' love interest - a beautiful girl-next-door - smart. Which puts it back in the antiquated (possibly vintage) range of Weird Science.

Indeed, honey works at the Cheesecake Factory and believes in the Zodiac. Couldn't she have been a starving artist or a low-level copywriter or something?

And remind us again how Google's organic search works. While the (actual) Big Bang Theory has been around longer than Cher, the CBS rendition is already second in the search results.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-10-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Commercials, Online, Promotions, Television   

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