Sprint helps You Wait Less...and Wonder
While we're not sure how Sprint's Waitless, which offers up time-saving tips, has anything to do with selling phones or phone service, we did find out how to tie our shoes faster, pour Ketchup quicker and quiet a crying baby. Distributed by Jun Group Productions, several YouTube videos point to the Waitless website at which you can watch all the videos and try to figure out what the hell any of this has to do with selling phones.
Actually this is related (somehow) to Sprint's new offer: You wont have to wait for 9pm to benefit from unlimited calls (as competitors do), With Sprint these calls begin at 7pm, which save you 2 hours of time waiting :-)
Well that's a bit of a stretch but, then again, we're just a publisher:-)
If you tie your shoes faster, you’ll have more time to spend waiting on the line until a Sprint customer service dweeb takes your call and futilely attempts to explain again why there are so many errors on your bill.