How to Make a Million (or Two): Violate an iPhone


This snarling boy is George Hotz, who unlocked the iPhone last week after about 500 or so hours of work that included a soldering iron.

Why are we talking about him at all? Because one of his iPhones snagged $25 million on eBay (according to Vox and Globe and Mail). He also got a 350Z, three more iPhones and a consulting gig.

There's a lot to be said about doing something you're not supposed to and giving a lot of people something they want really, really badly:

- You get a lot of press
- You (maybe) get some clout
- You (occasionally) make a ton of money which, while not necessarily proportionate to the work you've done, is exactly proportionate to how much people want what you've got, and the fact that you - and just you - are the only one who's been able to hand it to them

Now excuse us while we hot-wire a hybrid Porsche with wings.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-29-07   Click to Comment   

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What I want to know is...who bought the phone on ebay for 25 million and who will they use as the carrier?

Posted by: kristen on August 29, 2007 11:44 AM

What I want to know is...who bought the phone on ebay for 25 million and who will they use as the carrier?

Posted by: kristen on August 29, 2007 11:45 AM

The 25 million dollar bid was bogus (along with a bunch of other bids). I hear that iPhone has since been taken off ebay.

Posted by: Lucy on August 29, 2007 2:32 PM

How gullible are people? No one real paid 25 biggies for a stupid iPhone.

Posted by: REX on August 29, 2007 3:37 PM