Even 4.5 Inches Can Provide Pleasure
For all you men who are...um...less than stupendously hung, fear not. This recent IRN-BRU outdoor board just might help sway prevailing wisdom that bigger is better. Of course IRN-BRU's got some serious girth itself so it still falls into the bigger is better category in one respect. Sorry, guys. I was trying to help. At least IRN-BRU's provided a bikinied, sexy-looking lady to look at. Maybe that will lift your spirits to greater heights.
4.5 ? hmm NO
be thankful you have a gf if you are 4.5 inches lol
4.5 ? hmm NO
be thankful you have a gf if you are 4.5 inches lol
this ain't recent. this billboard is from 2003, jackass!!!
for the 374,321th time, just because something isn't new doesn't mean it isn't worth sharing, jackass!!
for the 374,321th time, share if it's worth sharing but don't just say 'recent', jackass!
Please add link to the original image on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/og2t/1171637362/