All-Bran Helps You Drop A Load


Magnificently magnifying metaphors, this recent All-Bran commercial from Kellogg has no problem touting its ability to aid one in shitting a brick. Or two. Or an entire dump truck load. Yes, the spot is jam packed with endless bowel movement metaphors. Enjoy.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 2-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange   

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I don't care if it's juvenile. I applaud them for doing this. It's about time we all got a little sense of humor back into advertising our biological processes. I can't handle another "tasteful" presentation of a bodily function.

This reminds me of that pregnancy test that starts as a spaceship, until it's peed on. And guess what? The pee wasn't blue.

Posted by: pat smith on July 31, 2007 6:44 PM

And I applaud them for stealing, almost wholesale, the "A Little Bit Rude" idea done by a British toilet paper last year.

Great idea theft, All Bran.

Posted by: Rob on August 1, 2007 4:04 AM

And I applaud them for stealing, almost wholesale, the "A Little Bit Rude" idea done by a British toilet paper last year.

Great idea theft, All Bran.

Posted by: Rob on August 1, 2007 4:07 AM

I saw that British thing, and thought it was hilarious. If an idea was stolen I'd say it was that it's OK to do a bodily function spot. Or are you telling me no one has ever used metaphors in advertising?

How about geysers, rockets blasting off and trains in tunnels, what might that represent?

Posted by: pat smith on August 1, 2007 2:13 PM


I suppose you want us to say sex. However the geyser thing can be much deeper. As it is with water.

Or do you think these scientists are only thinking of the one and only metaphor that might apply.

A special issue of the journal Homeopathy, journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy and published by Elsevier, on the �Memory of Water� brings together scientists from around the world for the first time to publish new data, reviews and discuss recent scientific work exploring the idea that water can display memory effects. The concept of memory of water is important to homeopathy because it offers a potential explanation of the mechanism of action of very high dilutions often used in homeopathy.

I love the water, and more than half of America has a real fear of it. Someone else can take on rockets and trains.

Posted by: nancy on August 1, 2007 4:33 PM

WHAT? Maybe I didn't directly address Rob's comment, but...WHAT?

When I first saw "Homeopathy" in relation to "geyser" in the context of this All-Bran spot I thought maybe I was about to learn all about the newest age enema.

But then I got really confused. What's all this about memory water and dilutions and scientists?

In any case, the trio of metaphors would be seen all in one spot, so as not to concern the Homeopaths.

Posted by: pat smith on August 1, 2007 7:43 PM

Hey all, found this posting through sphere...

I also wrote about this commercial on my blog, and I have to agree with some of the other comments, it is about time there was some humor involved.

I find it funny how toilet paper commercials talk about being squeezable soft, when what they really should say "soft, so it won't chafe your ass"


Posted by: Brandon Fritz on August 1, 2007 9:49 PM