MFI, IKEA Indirectly Face Off in Showroom Family Feuds


Our incognito amigo FishNChimps shimmied us over to these ads for MFI and IKEA, which used the same basic idea (families fighting over feral female teens) to promote the homey feel of their showrooms. Saatchi & Saatchi put together the MFI piece; the IKEA one is attributed to Crispin, Porter & Bogusky.

The MFI one is a little chavvier than IKEA's, rendering it believable to the point of discomfort until the angsty teen queen storms past a showroom attendant.

MFI's is somewhat more current; IKEA's hailed from 2002.

Nothing bespeaks familiarity like a screaming match with your mom, which is why it's a wonder grocery stores don't try pushing living room sets.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 2-07   Click to Comment   
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Hmmm. Theftmarks.

Posted by: Chris on July 5, 2007 12:48 AM

I thought that AdRant was supposed to be an authority on the advertising industry? But you seem to be somewhat confuesd about the difference between Saatchi & Saatchi (agancy formerly owned by Maurice and Charles) and M&C Saatchi (the agency currently owned my Maurice and Charles and perpetrator of the great MFI rip-off).

Schoolboy error. Shame on you.

Posted by: mikemystery on October 19, 2007 4:59 PM