JWT Sydney's Cannes 2007 Winner 'Borrowed' From Student?
Oh look. Yet another ad campaign has "borrowed" from a student spec campaign. In this case, it's a JWT Sydney-created campaign for Cannes 2007 Lion winner Science Diet dog food which, oops, looks a lot like this Advertising Education Foundation 2005 print winner (scroll down) Streamlight created by an Academy of Art University student.
Coincidence? Maybe but shining a light out a dog's ass isn't something your average creative conceptualizes every day. You decide.
Happens a lot. But my question is, did the client 'Science Diet' in Sydney (owned by Hillspet company) even really run this? Maybe someone should call them and ask just to verify.
wow thats wrong. i went to school with the guy who did the student ad. his ad makes WAY MORE SENSE -- the flashlight is so strong hence goes through the dog. using that imagery for "healthy digestion" is a little forced if you ask me. people should get their awards revoked when shit like this happens.
Yes, this might even be worse than the other way around when students imitate other poorer people's voice and get hired because of it.
This means nothing if the award isn't repealed or some other action taken. If not, no one will remember, and no one will care in the end.
Thank goodness for the internet. In the bad old days when stuff like this happened, you were SOL.
disgusting! The award should be given to the student for coming up with the work and he should be offered a job at jwt to replace the idiots who thought they could get away with scaming! I also diodn't see this add run anywhere in sydney... funny that! :)
disgusting! The award should be given to the student for coming up with the work and he should be offered a job at jwt to replace the idiots who thought they could get away with scaming! I also diodn't see this add run anywhere in sydney... funny that! :)
disgusting! The award should be given to the student for coming up with the work and he should be offered a job at jwt to replace the idiots who thought they could get away with scaming! I also diodn't see this add run anywhere in sydney... funny that! :)
what i can't figure out is why this made a good ad for a flashlight.
Well, scam (ie; a multi-national, high-billing agency like JWT making an ad for a local store for free but branding it as a large client only to enter it into award shows) is unethical already, so why would they stop at that and not just rip a student off?
It's a joke. If you read the credits under the JWT work, you'll see the client is really credited as 'Pet Pantry':
Advertising Agency: JWT >> Agency Location: Sydney, Australia >> Executive Creative Director: Andy McKeon >> Creative Director: Andy
DiLallo/Jay Benjamin >> Copywriter: Jay Benjamin/Andy DiLallo/Raylin Valles/Cameron Harris >> Art Director: Jay Benjamin/Andy DiLallo/Raylin Valles/Cameron Harris>> Category: Point of Purchase: Posters >> Advertiser/Client: Pet Pantry
Give me a break. A double page spread for 'Pet Pantry'? This is the type of scam that is way too prevalent in shows and only undermines the real, widely-run, difficult-to-get-approved (because it's real) great work out there...the stuff we rarely see anymore because shows are clogged to the brim with this well-produced fake shit coming out of Singapore/South Africa/Germany/South America as well as some crappier US shops (we all know who you are).
Outright hackery, IMO. Get a real job and work on real clients like the rest of us.
I'm a reporter and am writing a column about this and would love to find out who created the original flashlight ad - I don't see a name. Can anyone help? If so, e-mail me a [email protected]
I'm a reporter and am writing a column about this and would love to find out who created the original flashlight ad - I don't see a name. Can anyone help? If so, e-mail me a [email protected]