Bright House Hunts Down Asterisks


We're not sure why a company would position itself as an asterisk hunter when, in fact, it's impossible to run a company, or anything for that matter, without certain ground rules, terms, conditions and guidelines but broadband company Bright House thinks it's asterisk-free and wants to celebrate. So, who are we to stop a company that wants to have some fun with the annoying asterisk found in so many advertisements these days. Here's their Fry Hammond Barr-created commercial and here's the Asterisk Hunter website.

by Steve Hall    Jul-17-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Online, Strange, Video   

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Yes, all companies have guidelines and rules. But, at least with Bright House I knew up front what I was getting into. With other companies It was in a font so small that I did not notice it and then when I got my bill I was floored. I called to complain and it was at this time that they told me this was plain and clear on their website. It was in a font 3 or 4 and it had one of these in front of it*!!! I love the commercials it is not intended to remove restrictions but to not trick the consumer like me!!!!

Posted by: laurie on July 7, 2008 11:05 AM

I hate you want to kill the asterisk.

Posted by: zoe on March 12, 2009 3:48 PM