Verizon's Dumb Dad Yields Breast Flip Phone Ad
"Dude! I got it! since we used that Dumb Dad shit a while back and everyone got all over our asses for it, let's just go back to the hot chick. No one complains about the hot chick. I mean they're everywhere. We'll just have her flip the phone across her chest with a fuck me look on her face and this bad boy will fly off the shelves. Cool?"
Oh wait, this is a Samsung ad, not a Verizon ad. Oops, wrong conference room. Sorry about that.
I, for one, continue to be insulted by Mad Ave's assault on dumb white guys and dumb dads. What about the Nationwide Insurance ad and the garage door; how about Sony and the horse's ass spot? It's time we started picking on other groups like the old days.
As a "dumb" dad, I just got this phone over the weekend for Father's day. In the words of Ferris Beuller, "It is so choice."