South Africa Becomes Moon For Hummer, Gravity Still Earth-Like


Hmm. If this Hummer were really driving on the moon as Modernista and effects house Brickyard VFX would like us to believe, that Hummer wouldn't be jumping a few inches off the ground after going over the edge of a crater. It'd be flying through they air like Ben Affleck did in his meteor-mobile in Armageddon. OK, so they did a nice job making the South African shoot location look like the moon but they still forgot to lose the gravity.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies, Commercials   

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Posted by: harumph on June 15, 2007 4:10 PM

The Hummer folks are reaching and reaching further to find fools and posers to buy/drive these crazy gas guzzlers.

Posted by: Propaganda Minister on June 15, 2007 5:42 PM