Maurice Saatchi an Idiot, Adland Redesigns, Hadrian's Zigs, Garfield and Clow Chat


- Apparently, Lord Maurice Saatchi is an idiot. Yup, he is.

- Adland has re-designed and we like it a lot.

- Part name-change announcement, part just-fun-to-do, the Chicago office of Zig has created a silent auction to remind their old Hadrian's Wall email list of their new name. They're auctioning off various Hadrian's Wall paraphernalia on eBay.

- Landor Associates has unveiled the new identity and rebranding work it did for The Museum of Television & Radio which is now dubbed The Paley Center for Media. Hmm, even posthumously, media types have an ego the size of a museum complex.

- Ads of the World, the one stop shop for ad creative the world over has been acquired by Jupitermedia Corporation and incorporated into the publisher's network.

- Scamp's got the new Sony commercial out of Fallon London. We're not impressed. Other than wishing our local car wash was this much fun.

- Bob Garfield and Lee Clow sit down for a chat about what's happened in the ad industry since "1984."

by Steve Hall    Jun-11-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Weblogs   

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