BK Lures Inner Cowboys Out with Big Burgers, Unsightly Facial Hair


We thought we'd forgotten, or at least transcended, the quirky creepiness of The King. But these new Burger King ads by Crispin Porter + Bogusky for the Western Whopper reminded us that, unlike the witty and benign Jack, The King will mustachio you against your will and watch sadistically with his big plastic eyes while you scream.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-13-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good   

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Okay, yes, what is the deal with the "hairy" aspect of commercials these days? Is there cognitive science that the hairiness makes one remember the commercial longer? Identify with the product? I mean, I don't like hairy burgers and I don't like hair on my candy ... maybe I'm a freak? Perhaps it appeals to some primate aspect of our thought processes?

Posted by: Constance X on June 13, 2007 1:28 PM

Also check out the accompanying website petmoustache.com. We built this in house at CPB using the latest version of Flash. It let us render surprisingly realistic moustache hair. Props to Manny Tan and Chris Erickson who helped fine-tune the physics of moustache hair. And to our IT guy Mario, who allowed us to get up close and personal with his moustache.

Posted by: Matt Wallace, Sr. Developer, CPB on June 13, 2007 5:36 PM