Turner Joosts, Cingular Hated, Fallon Loses, Webbys Unveiled
- Today, Joost announced that Turner Broadcasting will begin to distribute content on Joost from its well-known brands and properties, including Adult Swim and CNN.
- Here's a little bit of consumer-created hate directed towards Cingular whose phone's apparently can ruin speakers if placed too close to them. The video promotes Feeling Cingular, a site that is less than complimentary to the carrier.
- Fallon isn't happy. Citi has just moved most of its global creative account to Publicis Worldwide.
- The 11th annual Webby Awards has unveiled winners in 14 new categories.
by Steve Hall
May- 1-07
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Topic: Agencies, Cable, Consumer Created, Industry Events, Online
Topic: Agencies, Cable, Consumer Created, Industry Events, Online
Worth checking out what they just released: