Emma Watson Gets Breast Augmentation For 3D Movie Poster
While not as dramatic an increase, proportionately, as Keira Knightley received for her King Arthur movie poster appearance, Harry Potter's Hermione, played by 17 year old Emma Watson has been given a cup size increase for the IMAX 3D version of the Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix movie poster. One could argue it makes sense to give her an increase since, after all, this is the 3d version of the movie and things do appear differently than they might on a flat movie screen. One could also argue an art director let loose with Photoshop just can't help himself. And finally, one could also argue the mere discussion of breast size in relation to the cherished Harry Poter series is simply blasphemous. You decide.
Wouldn't it stand to reason that it's in fact the other way around? They made her breasts smaller for the traditional poster to desexualize her, similar to what they did with Lindsay Lohan in the Herbie movie. Then, when it came time to create the 3D poster, they just overlooked it.
All this breast hub-bub started here:
Actually, there�s no foul play here. No breasts were enhanced.
I just discovered that the two images are part of a stereo pair, which I�m assuming is for one of those 3-D movie posters you sometimes see at the theater.
I have explanation and a sample 3-D image here:
Leave the girl alone. This is not news. If the rumours were true of Emma Watson not wanting to do the rest of the series, this is a prime example of why.
It's two different photos, dumb asses!
maybe the movie studios should create an adult version: IMAXXX 3DDD.
The difference in the size of her breasts is negligible.
It's her WAIST that's been reduced considerably.
Interesting story, reminds me of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty video.