Launches 'Fuller Speculum...Uh...Spectrum of News'
With rss-fed online banners, 33 topic-specific print ads, an online game, screensavers, television and an in-cinema game, MSNBC has kicked off an ad campaign with the tagline "The Fuller Spectrum of News" "which exemplifies the captivating journey and multiple perspectives of news, entertainment and information consumers explore on the site." Hmm. whatever happened to just reporting the news? Oh yea, everyone else does that. Marketing 101: product differentiation. Silly us. Anyway, SS+K created the campiagn, BEAM is handling online executions and Fuel Industries whipped up "Newsbreaker" the RSS-fed online and in-cinema game. Check out the creative here.
Here's a sample of the online MSNB campaign:
Lame, lame, lame ... no wonder Fox is killing them!
omg lame indeed
I also played the newsbreaker game. Trust me, it's lamer. Please, breakout? Because someone noticed that the color grid looked like breakout? "RSS-fed"? All that happens is that headlines drop from the bricks.
The Brand Experience Lab actually created the in-cinema experience part of this program. We've been doing some user testing out here in LA but we'll be playing to full houses tonight at midnight when Spider Man 3 launches. So far, audiences seem to like it, but we'll get real feedback tonight.