Want Vagina with that Bagel? Hit Boise
Oh, ick. Adfreak points us over to this ad for the River City Bagel and Bakery in Boise, Idaho. Apparently they wanted to get a little clever and tie their product to the Vagina Monologues, which is playing in the area.
We're not prudes about anatomy but the thought of quim over our next lox shmear brings us close to queasy.
It wouldn't stop me from enjoying my turkey slices oozing with mayonnaise.
OK, so are Angela and Steve the same person?
You caught us, man.
As a resident of Boise... I was fucking stunned to see this. I read the Boise Weekly, which is the alteranative press here, as the Idaho Statesman daily is a fucking right wing, religious whacko joke. But never saw this ad. Here's what I posted over on Tim's site...
Just caught this as I was in New York speaking at the PSFK conference the day you posted it. As you know, I live in Boise now... And I have to say one thing about River City Bagels... They suck. They don't taste like bagels, and they certainly don't taste like c**t's. I will find out who is responsible for this and go round and kick their arse. You have my word on it.
By the way... Most of the locals would think the Vagina Monologues was Queen Victoria talking about her life since Prince Albert died... A free copy of "MadScam" to the first person to make the connection. Gotta go now, time for a meeting of the local chapter of the Nazi party.
Aaah Regina Victoria. Apparently a very prissy virgin until the well experienced Albert taught her about the birds and the bees. She was like a harlot unleashed and couldn't quite forgive the inconvenient children that kept popping out.
Congrats to FishNChimps...
Well, he is a Brit. Send me an email with an address, and I'll FedEx you the book... Even though it'll cost a fortune to the UK... That's OK, I'm a rich old fucker... 'Cos advertising been berry, berry good to me... It's an American TV joke. Don't worry about it.
See Angela, get a couple of Brits commenting on here and the whole tone of the conversation improves... Fucking right?
Hell yes, I'm very impressed. In fact I'm so taken that I think I need a copy of Madscam too, to fully ingratiate myself in the British experience.
Shit, this is costing me a fortune... Yeah, I know, I'm a rich old fucker. email me with an address - Make it a PO Box if you don't want me doing an OJ onya - Just kidding. I'll send you one. Fuck, you could always borrow the one I sent Steve... Oh, forgot, he's on the other side of the world . Then you have to do a review on it and tell everyone it's more fun than bagels.
Read about the intentionality or unintentionality here: