The Goonies Return to Astoria...With Jeep As A Sponsor
If you ever saw the movie, Goonies, and just couldn't get enough of it, now, courtesy of Jeep, BBDO Detroit and Fuel Industries, you can relive all that eighties adventure goodness in the form on an online game called Return to Astoria. There's even a trailer for the game. We're told Goonies are timeless. We wouldn't know. We can't even remember watching the movie.
Good god what 3rd grader did they hire to come up with that front page graphic?
Isn't half the cast in rehab?
I'm quite fond of the graphic Jonathan, it strikes the correct, intended note of slightly bizarre "nudge nudge wink wink" nostalgia we were going for. How many other branded games have a screaming mutant in them? Baby ruuuth?
But anyway! Thanks for posting Steve.