Subway Wants to Be the Anti-McDonald's


In an attempt to stay relevant post-Jared, Subway unveils Fresh Buzz, which houses a bunch of marginal stars that could use a sex tape career boost, and something called the fit evolution.

A diagram suggests that after discovering french fries and cheeseburgers man got progressively fatter and fatter until discovering Subway Fresh Fit.

We're doubting the veracity of that claim because a recent rerun of South Park not-so-quietly divulges that Jared didn't just get skinny with sandwiches, he got skinny with aides. Fitness aides, that is. Does the fit evolution come with aides? No? Then sorry, Subway. Until the day you can give us the aides we need to get fit like Jared alongside your sandwiches, you're just another chain telling sweet lies.

by Angela Natividad    Mar-12-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns, Online   

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There’s something you never see in ads: the evolutionary chart thing.

Posted by: makethelogobigger on March 12, 2007 12:08 PM

Everyone knows that you lose weight with proper diet and exercise! Do we need to label that in the food we eat? Of course you'll gain weight if you consume a lot of fries and burgers. This ad is not all false. Think about it.

Posted by: Subway 4 Ever on March 13, 2007 3:23 PM

Everyone knows that you lose weight with proper diet and exercise! Do we need to label that in the food we eat? Of course you'll gain weight if you consume a lot of fries and burgers. This ad is not all false. Think about it.

Posted by: Subway 4 Ever on March 13, 2007 3:24 PM