Post-It Gives More Reasons to Stare at Boobies
Coolz0r draws our attention to this Post-It ad that reminds us a lot of this ad here. Ironically, it might lend the leery a bigger excuse for staring down yonder instead of encouraging them to aim for eye level. We know we were staring, but that was exclusively for research purposes.
The ad is running in South Africa and was made by The Jupiter Drawing Room.
I guess it's effective, but only if the viewer is male. I'd be interested to see how they ended up going down a route that could be considered sexist?
Hmmm...yet another double-page ad for Post-it notes. Running in South Africa. As a real media spend by 3M. Right.
It couldn't be more on-spec Adhouse if it tried. Fakey McFakerson
If she really wanted me to look up, don't wear it so low!