Peter Potty Teaches Pre-Pubescents How a Papa Peter Pisses
Because all great men should start as "little stand up guys," Peter Potty pushes its stand-and-flush toddler urinal for people who want to train their tiny soldiers how a real man takes the piss.
If you think the product's total genius, an on-site Oprah banner allows proud mums to nominate it as a gift. Chances are a slew of nominations will put the man-making Peter Potty into a pipeline for products Oprah can claim to love insatiably on her next special. We're really looking forward to seeing her gush about this one so do cast a vote.
Well let me see, one grand-son has discovered you get a lot of attention from mom when she catches you taking a piss on the tree in the front yard.
Mom's too don't understand when said grand-son is found pissing in the bathtub because twin brother will not move over. Yep, Mothers will likely love this one, and the fathers will really be excited....move over son!!!!
i dont understand why more doods dont sit to piss. you work hard all day. take a second and relax, grab a mag, read a couple paragraphs and be on your way.
I've seen porcelin toilet bowls in kids sizes, why not a plastic urinal? At least plastic is cheaper. Now just dress the loo up with beer ads and you're set to create a barfly son.