Global Disasters Used to Promote Blood Donation
Using the Indonesian earthquake, September 11 and Black Tuesday for imagery, a blood drive campaign for India's Jeevan Blood Bank goes for the dramatic reminding people it's not just during disasters that people need blood. It's every day. Of course, to get the campaign's message, one has to read the tiny red type at the bottom of the ad. See the other two ads here.
(Waiting for the obligatory and vaguely snarky comment from some adranter along the lines of: "XYZ did that years ago for Vaseline" or somesuch.)
Interesting campaign. It might work a little too hard for a print ad -- I could definitely see it as a subway banner.
Great idea - too bad the comment at the bottom is incorrect. The 2,500 that perished ion 9/11 did NOT need blood. In fact, because of the finality of most of the injuries, very little blood was needed.