Career in Financial Services Helps Keep It Up
Gratuitous sex sell alert! Now you can't say we didn't warn you. Apparently hot girls and erections are now the method of choice for financial services recruitment. It seems a position with Optiver allows one to have a successful, rewarding career in financial services without burning out or losing one's lust for life. One of these two men on the park bench who watch the ubiquitous hottie prance by in this ad has, as clearly illustrated, not lost his ability to raise the bar.
Couldn't you link to youtube or something instead of this NSFW site. All I wanted was some SFW fun, but now you've ruined it.
I can only link to where the content exists. And what's NSFW about the site?
Nice a$$ of tat pink chik ;)
Nice tush, but stupid ad. "Raising the bar." Erections. Yawn. Bars are horizontal anyway.
Love it!!!, hot ass and damn funny