Super Bowl 2007 Pre-Game Observations.


- - really, really cheesy in the style of Ginsu knife commercials but it'll probably work.

- Pre-game's like Up With People (literally) all over again!

- OK. That Combo's ad was weird. Good payoff though.

- HP is hyping its 4th quarter roll out of the next phase of its "The Computer is Personal" campaign here.

- That Nicholas Cage Ghost Rider ad...didn't he used to be an actor that loved to be in good, independent films?

- Damn, it's raining! That's gotta suck.

- Jessica Simpson looks a lot better in a nice red dress than a cheesy (oops) country get up from years past.

- How long did that first Bears touch down take? DAMN!

by Steve Hall    Feb- 4-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Super Bowl 2007   

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NFL spots are good too. They usually hit the mark unlike most brands that tie-in with them.

Posted by: makethelogobigger on February 4, 2007 6:20 PM