GoDaddy Says 'Basic Instinct,' CBS Says 'Try Again'
Every year we have to endure the painful submit, reject, submit, reject saga GoDaddy forces us to live through as it tries to get the network to accept its commercial for the Super Bowl. No one's in the dark here. Everyone knows Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons is submitting ads he knows will be rejected simply to get the press that rejection generates. And, dammit, he has us doing it too with his latest reject, a Basic Instinct-style spot in which Candice Michelle does the Sharon Stone leg cross thing while some dude voiced by Philip Baker Hall. Oh the pain Parsons puts us through. Oh wait. Candice is kind of interesting to watch.
Oh, c'mon. It's not even as if you can see her mimsy. Hardly shocking.
And you just HAD to use the old crowded balcony shot for your thumbnail, eh.
Even last year the "rejects" weren't that bad. CBS has to lighten up.
Even last year the "rejects" weren't that bad. CBS has to lighten up.
Word of the day: mimsy