NFL Fan Contest Won By Ad Guy
Of the 1,700 body paint-stained videos dropped off at the NFL's doorstep, Gino Bona's idea was chosen for the coveted 30-sec spot on Feb 4's Super Bowl. The Bills fan claims he tapped into his own "pathetic emotions" to illustrate how bummed fans get when football season ends.
Bona's also the biz-dev director for up-and-coming marketing firm Garrand. (To be fair, this is his first attempt at a TV spot.) And an Adrants insider would bet his life or at least $5 that his agency troop helped at least a little for the consumer-generated ad contest.
Commercial Director Joe Pytka will assist in turning the tear-strewn "fan" idea into a bonafide ad. Pytka's done a slew of Super Bowl slots in the past so from beginning to polished end the spot will have been invented by ad people and completed by ad people. After all that begging, way to go consumer-gen, guys.
Good generic spot for the league but not for the Superbowl or NFL heritage. But hey, when the creative's based on a public popularity contest, can't really be surprised with the American Idol outcome.
Good generic spot for the league but not for the Superbowl or NFL heritage. But hey, when the creative's based on a public popularity contest, can't really be surprised with the American Idol outcome.
Sounds like sour grapes to me. The spot is based on a good idea that connects with fans who feel a true sense of loss after the Superbowl. And what's the big deal if the guy works in the industry? There was no limitation on the professional history of contestants. We ought to be happy that one of our own did so well. (On top of that, he's from Maine for god's sake, not exactly Madison Avenue.) Give him a break.
I work with Gino and attest that his idea was his idea without any sort of agency effort. A talented colleague did do a little polishing after the fact but it was Gino's baby- and it was chosen because it really captures the post partum blues that we football fans experience at the end of the season.
He looks like that retard.
Okay, let me get this straight. So you seem to be saying that people who work for ad agencies are better at making ads than people who don't. Thank God THAT debate's over.
Okay. I ask you guys this: how is it possible we can win each other's contests but can't attend consumer marketing forums? I'm not arguing we aren't consumers, because of course we are. But isn't it the exact same conflict of interest?
I think you hit the nail on the head, rushing. Surprise, surprise that the best jobs are usually done by professionals in their field when given the freedom to do what they do best.
So yes, agency and marketing people are consumers so we should be able to enter a contest like this. But, I have to wonder how many non-marketing folks care about the NFL, Chevy or Doritos promotions or are we all whipping ourselves into a frenzy?
I actually don't mind that agency people entered. I expected a bunch would so they can go back and tell their CDs they won the damn thing or atleast had something for their book. But should the public be voting on them when the ad/rules originally said only three judges would? Otherwise, let's just show creative to the consumer and skip the client part from now on. Ads by committee. Awesome�.
(And, whether this spot was by an agency guy or Joe Blow off the streets, I'd still make the same comments.)