Crispin Wants Us to See Broadcast Director's Ass Crack
We sometimes wonder why anyone in their right mind would want their ass crack revealed for the entire industry to examine but, apparently, someone over at Crispin Porter + Bogusky wants (practically begged) all of us to see Director of Broadcast Rupert Samuel's ass which he bared (sort of) at the agency's recent two office (Miami and Boulder) holiday party. Bogusky himself was on hand as well dressed as Willy Wonka. Oh the things we do to bring you important ad industry news.
what a great ass
Who's the ass crack with the camera walking by?
And is that a baby on the left?
what a great ass
Mine was better. Back then at least.
Uuugh, don't they get enough publicity already, without having to resort to showing us butt cracks?!@$#
Director of Broadcast = no one that should get credit for any work
When is the "Men of CP+B" calendar coming out?
When will the "Men of CP+B" go away?
If you look closely, you can see the writing staff of "Creativity" in that crack.