Exclusive! Tiger Woods Makes Fart Joke in Enclave Commercial
Yes, we are the first to bring you behind the scenes "stealth video" footage of Tiger Woods in a shoot for the soon to be released 2008 Buick Enclave. Our "insiders" leaked this very secretive video exclusively to Adrants only moments ago so you too could share in the glory of a spontaneous fart joke! It doesn't matter who took the Senate this week. Tiger Woods made a fart joke, "someone" videoed it and "someone" sent it to us hoping it might get some Lonelygirl15-like YouTube action.
That guy at the end seemed to have ESP. He turned around like he knew what he was going to find.
This could be one of the worst ever attempts at a viral video. I'm sure it will get some play b/c of Tiger's involvement, but seriously, is this doing anything positive for Buick?
Are we that embarassing of a society to think that this is NAUGHTY? Here's the thing - I'm pissed because I took 4 minutes to view this and by the way, I don't remember the model of the car. I was expecting to laugh my ass off and send this to everyone that I know. If I sent this to ANYONE that I know they'd think that I was desperate for attention. This was not funny nor irreverant - maybe when I was 9 this would stike me as funny. Here's how I spell Buick's lame attempt to stike it rich:
What a waste of time. A plane flying over? He laughs, makes an excuse? Come on, lame. At least he could have said "the one who smelt it dealt it" or something. Enjoyed the fake bouncer at the end who just happens to spot the camera.
What a waste of time. A plane flying over? He laughs, makes an excuse? Come on, lame. At least he could have said "the one who smelt it dealt it" or something. Enjoyed the fake bouncer at the end who just happens to spot the camera.
Soooooooo fake.
Soooooooo boring.
Soooooooo what.