Brands Get Banned From Nightclub
Trendhunter tells us Nashville nightclub, On the Rocks, has established a dress code that bars entry to those wearing clothing from brands which appears on its list of unacceptable attire. The list includes ECKO, Southpole, ENYCE, Sean John, Phat Farm, FUBU and several others which some say suggests racial profiling because of the genesis of some of those brands. Well, at least it will keep people from showing up in cheap, Berkley & Jensen discount jeans because, after all, style is way more important than race, creed, color and economic status, right?
The Hong Kong in Faneiul Hall in Boston has been banning Fubu for years. I have a picture of me eating "meat" off a stick at 2am pointing at the sign from three years ago to prove it. ;)
That's crazy. I've been to clubs with scrit dress codes but never a brand conscious dress code.
I don't really get nightclubs, they are turning away the people who will spend the most over the bar. It is never as fun when you get in anyway unless there are naked people involved.
Is there more to the list that just 'urban' brands? If not, i'd say they are treading on racist grounds there. Or they jsut want to weed out any wiggers from the burbs. ;-) Given that its Nashville i'm leaning towards the former.