Spinach Kills, Smoking Kills, Credit IIlls


- Copyranter rants about an Embassy Suites ad that promotes a spinach omlette which he says couuld have been pulled following the recent outbreak of spinach-based e. Coli. Oh well. Slap that media planners hand hard now.

- Cool fitness bag.

- New Zealand anti-smoking organization ASH placed padding on goal posts and then crushed it down to make it look like cigarette being put out.

- In the continuing saga of credit not being placed where credit is due, two execs from SS+K apear to take full credit for creating the Lance Armstrong bracelet campaign in the New York Sun without nary a mention of Wieden + Kennedy.

by Steve Hall    Sep-21-06   Click to Comment   
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Est Furniture O� - Valmistame t�ispuidust treppe, m��blit, m��blidetaile, v�lis-ja siseuksi!

Posted by: Kelly on September 25, 2006 11:57 AM

Est Furniture O� - Valmistame t�ispuidust treppe, m��blit, m��blidetaile, v�lis-ja siseuksi!

Posted by: Jeremy on September 25, 2006 12:04 PM

Just found this - and for future reference wanted to let folks know that our guys at SS+K were mis-quoted by the reporter in that story. We've asked for a retraction - and while I'm not sure Wieden + Kennedy had anything to do with the creation of the yellow braclet [although they did some spots featuring Lance on behalf of client Nike] - Nike did. And they certainly should get their much deserved kudos.

Posted by: BNW on October 20, 2006 12:47 PM