Snapalope Hunting Association Offer Slim Jim Tips
With a website called Snapalope Hunting Association of America, Crispin Porter + Bogusky has done some funny work for that convenience store oddity, Slim Jim. Is it meat? Is it flavored cardboard? Whatever. We'll let the food magazines figure that out. On the site, comparison charts make it easy to spot a Snapalope, a hand signal guide makes it easier to team hunt the beast, tip on hiding, using decoys, trapping and some ads in which Zoic Studios created the visual effects of the Snapalope.
I can't believe you think the work is funny or creative. Doesn't this have the traditional CPB Rinse and Repeat stamp on it? The Yodel and music is a complete take-off of the BK work. The idea of Snapalope is actually a creative campaign that won a Bronze Maxi award in 2003: Not exactly original!
The spots are certainly new (by new I mean SlimJim hasn't tried this approach before) and MUCH butter than the Fairy Snap Mother crap they put out.