Creatives Leave, Return, Leave, Return, Leave, Return


We're not exactly sure this is something Minneapolis-based Colle+McVoy should really be all that excited about but since they sent a press release, apparently, they are. For some reason, they're very excited two of their creatives, Mike Caguin and Eric Husband, have returned to the agency for a third time. Returning from Butler Shine Stern and Partners ,Caguin explains the move back saying, "Why are we back? Simple, Colle+McVoy is doing great work and has lots of potential. And we wanted to get back to Minnesota." said Caguin." One does have to wonder about the other half of this equation - why would the pair leave Colle+McVoy three times in the first place since it's, seemingly, such a great place to work?

by Steve Hall    Sep-25-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Agencies, Strange   

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You guys look so cute back in Minn, good luck.
All the best from a former BSSP dropout.

Posted by: Tyler on September 25, 2006 12:19 PM

WTF? Another team LEAVING an agency with Converse, Mini, and all sorts of interactive stuff?

Do those guys just not pay? What's going on here?

Posted by: dean on September 25, 2006 1:57 PM

They wanted to get back to Minnesota!!! Don't these dumb fucks realize in another three or four weeks it's going to be cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey? Oh, forgot, they wanted to get away from all that SF freaked out living shit. Or, maybe the local tattoo parlor needs an Archive ready print campaign!

Posted by: George Parker on September 25, 2006 6:47 PM

George, these boys have lived in that cold place before! No need to bring up the possibilities of "freeze the balls off a brass monkey" again, I expect it's already been done.

Posted by: Old Redneck on September 25, 2006 11:10 PM

They couldn't hack it at a real agency, so they went back to a tiny shop where they could take it easy. I've never even heard of Colle MCvey, but I've heard of BSSP.

Posted by: OR on August 7, 2007 2:28 AM

They couldn't hack it at a real agency, so they went back to a tiny shop where they could take it easy. I've never even heard of Colle MCvey, but I've heard of BSSP.

Posted by: OR on August 7, 2007 2:38 AM

The one guy is wearing the same Banana Republic western shirt that I bought my brother for Christmas. It was on the sale rack for $29. A real steal. I wonder if he paid full price for his... What do you guys think?

Posted by: George of the Jungle on January 29, 2008 5:48 PM

George of the jungle...
Aren't you a bit fucking late here... This was posted in 2006... So did you buy the shirt last Christmas or the one before... Why am I asking this... I don't really care.

Posted by: george parker on January 29, 2008 5:58 PM