If You've Got the Got, You've Got to Get An Agency
It's not only the Got Milk campaign that's got the "got." Gathering together all the ads created by people who can't seem to come up with a headline better than "got...fill in the blank," Albuquerque agency 3, begs marketers to hire an agency. Any agency. Preferably theirs, of course but any will do. If you ever created a "got" ad, you might feel a bit uncreative after watching this video.
hmmm....and who would sit through the entire video - almost fell asleep. This does their brand and services more damage than good.
Cool idea and I'm for anything that recomends hiring an agency but lets also point out that the "Who Is.." idea has also been used to death 3. I remember using it in the mid '90's for a new R&B singer. Adam, Ozone Online
Come on. "Got Wood" is pretty funny, though one assumes unintentionally so.