Coke Creates Happiness Factory


Anytime a bunch of advertising art directors latch onto the wackiness of Terry Gilliam, the outcome is bound to be a creative explosion of exponential proportion and that's just what we get in this Wieden + Kennedy-created spot, Happiness Factory, which kicks off the brand's new Coke Side of Life campaign. It truly is an over indulgence of happiness and it all happens inside a lowly Coke machine between the time the coin is dropped in and the bottle pops out. Whether you think soda rots your teeth or not, you've got to hand it to WK and Coke for creating this make believe world of happiness that, given enough imagination, could be quite real if one wanted it to be. After all, wouldn't it be nice if a place like that really existed?

by Steve Hall    Jul- 5-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good   

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ASteve? Are you on coke? I can't believe you let this one go through the gate.
After spending more money than a small country, coke is trying to convince us that there are little cute creatures; making wheels of candy go round just to get us the stuff.
Don�t get me wrong - I think this ad is amazing � but it still looks like a Tim Burton spoof and after the fairies and tiny elves and lots of confetti, we are still drinking the same old Coke with a different lame slogan. I guess this is what coke knows (after their blog disasters). Maybe consumers love this stuff, but I expect Adrants not to let the soda to rot its teeth.

Posted by: tamir berkman on July 5, 2006 8:04 PM

Spoof? Its gorgeous and gets better every time yo look at it. Can't say that for many ads. You sounds so sad and cross. Need a Coke?

Posted by: Cenie on July 6, 2006 4:17 AM

Spoof? Its gorgeous and gets better every time yo look at it. Can't say that for many ads. You sound so sad and cross. Need a Coke?

Posted by: Cenie on July 6, 2006 4:18 AM

My favourite ad at the moment. It comes right out of the product. The mysteriuos Coke recipe. Like I always say the best advertising is based on a true fact.
And I love the details. I can watch it over and over again and it�s not getting boring, because there is always something new to see.
The only thing I don�t get is the "The coke side of life". What�s that got to do with this cool vending machine?

Posted by: Tim Keil on July 6, 2006 6:32 AM

I would have liked to see the Coke logo in more of the bit, or at least one I could read. What was it I read once "It's not creative unless it sells?

Posted by: Roy on July 6, 2006 11:35 AM

Love it - so now when do they do more with it than just a TV ad?

Posted by: Brad on July 6, 2006 12:42 PM

Brad it is more then a TV ad, blond wife and I went to a movie tonight and this was on the screen in the pre-movie junk. There it looked very good! I still hold that when you have a logo every human on earth knows you should use it in every frame. They just about did.

Posted by: roy on July 8, 2006 11:48 PM

Well I was thinking online, billboards and guerilla but a movie ad is a good start.

"blond wife" .... ?

Posted by: Brad on July 9, 2006 9:39 AM

The animation was done by NYC-based shop, Psyop ( and the music is by music collective Human (

Posted by: Tamara on August 15, 2006 11:32 AM