Charmin Takes A Dump, Pinches A Loaf, Lays Cable
Those people who were offended by those cute Charmin bears doing their business are gonna go nuts when they see this newish Publicis UK-created Charmin clip called A Little Bit Rude which has great fun highlighting the many names we give to a certain bodily function. To accompany the video, Charmin has made, perhaps, the best use of a blog to date: encouraging people to submit their favorite euphemism for taking a dump. Believe me, there's some you've definitely never heard before such as "Backing the big brown motor home out of the garage" and "Releasing the chocolate hostages." Have fun. Add your own. And please. Please make sure you forward this to all those people you know will be offended so we can all pretend we're in elementary/grammar/primary school again. Come on. Just for today. Then we can leave the bathroom humor behind and go back to our boring lives.
Sorry, I cannot join you in this. I'm praries dogging, so I have to drop the boys off at the pool before I take the Browns to the Super Bowl.
Sorry, I cannot join you in this. I'm prairie dogging, so I have to drop the boys off at the pool before I take the Browns to the Super Bowl.
Offended? I'm disappointed that my agency didn't get the account. We talk about shit all day.
Steve, you seized on my favorite image from the spot.
Steve, you seized on my favorite image from the spot.