Debauchery Laden Cannes Pictures Wanted
Cannes is now officially one big advertising industry inside joke. We all want to go but we all know it's an idiotic event and just an excuse to party and drink on the company's tab. Campaign magazine is celebrating this industry debauchery with Cannes Private View, a promotion they teamed with DDB London to create. The promotion calls for delegates at Cannes to send in mobile photos from the festival. Those not fortunate enough to attend the festival can visit the site, look at the images and add captions. People can also register at the site to have Cannes updates sent to their phones three times each day.
Now we know you've all seen the picture of Donny Deutsch in a bikini. That's pretty tame compared to what we know those of you there can dig up for this promotion so don't go anywhere without your cell phone. And don't just send your pictures to Campaign. Send them to us too!
Why do you treat Cannes any differently than Ad Tech? That was hyped so much on this site, parties included, with not a single snarky comment.
Cannes is the place to meet people in this business. What´s wrong with companies spending money on that?
Nothing's necessarily wrong with it. Believe me, I wish I was there. It's very different from ad:tech though. Cannes is an award show. ad:tech is not. ad:tech is a trade show where business gets done. Yes, business gets done at Cannes but the primary aspect of it is the awards. Awards are great. Everyone wants them but it's just a glamorous industry event that has nothing to do with selling product. Oops..sorry. Creative ads do sell product. But ad:tech is facts and figures and sessions and speeches and, yes, parties. Creative is an afterthought.
The reason I give to much attention to ad:tech is because I go to ad:tech. If I went to Cannes, no doubt, this site would be filled with Cannes related activities. I'd love to go but it's not I don't have a vast expense budget to support going.
Awards or no awards isn´t much of a difference. Most of the action at Cannes happens outside of the festival. Last night I met a number of people from small companies doing design, new media type work, and videos. I´ve also met several companies that are startups making their pitch. I couldn´t help but thinking that it would be worth it for Adrants to be here. You´ve got a unique viewpoint to offer. I´d bet you´d make back your investment in the trip from the contacts you´d make. I´ve got a few photos posted on my page, but not that much debauchery photographed so far, but hey, this thing is just getting started.