Ad Says Pump Until White, Gooey Stuff Shoots Out
The people who created this ad are either living in a land far removed from current day culture, are completely clueless or, conversely, have a seriously twisted sense of humor. This ad for the Hasbro Super Soaker Oozinator features a gun that when pumped a few times shoots a white globular substance all over the faces and bodies of those in the ad. Sound familiar? We thought so. While we're sure it's fun to pump something until it shoots a bunch of gooey stuff, we can't help but imagine how this thing got created, reviewed and approved without a lot of snickering. Of course, we may be reading way too much into this but give it a look and decide for yourself.
UPDATE: Here's a hacked gif Hasbro probably doesn't want to see.
I find it a little hypocritical that you question this ad. If CPB had done the ad, you'd be saying how amazing, groundbreaking, and outstanding it is.
If you think this is funny, check out the reviews people are writing about it on Amazon:
anyone who says anything positive about this ad is wrong, plain and simple.
OMG...I can't stop laughing!
This one appears to have skipped straight into production—"I trust ya Chuck, just get the damn thing into retail stores ASAP!"
ROFLAO - Please tell me that is a joke? All they needed to do was make the ooze green (a la Nickelodeon)and it would have been fine - still gross, but not such a pornographic joke.
What could it beeeeee?
Absolutely Fucking Hillarious! The fact that NO ONE in the Chain of Command (?) picked up on this is just one more illustration of how so many Clients and their Ad agencies live in their own little totally disconnected-from-Reality BubbleWorld.
er, did you happen to see the 'Lil John' spin-off?
It's all been said by now, but I have to add my piece. The Amazon comments are great. I like that they avoid overtly dirty language, thereby escaping any automatic censors and ensuring the reviews will be up for a while.
I expect VH1 will have this in at least 3 of their various 2006 retrospectives. Let's see, there's Awesomely Bad Ideas of 2006, Awesomely Bad Toys of 2006, Awesomely Bad Ads of 2006, I love 2006, I Love April 2006...
yeah right.
I didn't believe it was a real product.
Then i checked.
It is.
of course it couldn't be real...
but it is!
" target ="_blank">Click here for hasbro's page.
Why didn't they make the stuff blue or green or orange... or disappearing ink or whatever.
You make an interesting argument. At some point it seems that we love the art only because of the artist. If the BK Big Buckin Chicken ads can get approved and lauded by the ad community, including Ad Rants, I don't know why this cause such an uproar.
Ed does not make a good point, he doesn't even know what "hypocritical" means.
There are two possibilities here. It was done with the intent of sexual innuendo with children, in which case it is in poor taste, or it wasn't noticed, in which case the ad agency and the corporate greenlighter should be punished.
this is so funny that people have the supersoaker site blocked now on high school computers