Clooney to Hawk Nestle Expresso
Can we just stop with the celebrity endorsements already? George Clooney. along with being seen in just about every movie made in the last six months will soon be seen in commercials for Nestle Expresso Nespresso, a drink that is sure to taste like some horrific combination of day old coffee and cheap hot chocolate mix. Oddly, Clooney's doing it because he belives it will be a classy endeavor. Explaining his decision, Clooney said, "It's really classy. You don't want to do ones that aren't classy. Thats the truth. Thats the secret to it. You want to have a product you are proud of and not embarrassed by." Good luck, George.
It's NESPRESSO actually.
What about Ball Park Franks? Should he...Would he? The Sexiest Man in Hollywood? Chomp!
I've had Nespresso and it's terrific!
Why the continual slamming of celebrity endorsements? They sell products! Granted, some make absolutely no sense. But I'm guessing the target for this product is middle-aged women who drool over Clooney's every move. Sell on George!
Seems to me that celebrity endorsement lives or dies based on a shared story between the celebrity and the brand. In the Clooney example, he seems to feel that the shared story is "class." Clooney's been building his public persona on this story for some time now primarily through the roles he chooses to play--the question is whether Nespresso authentically lives up to that story or not. If it does, that will play counter to the impression many people have of the brand because of Nescafe. In that case, Clooney's identity (and story) can provide a point of connection with the audience that could lead to reconsideration. If not, it is likely to detract from Clooney's reputation as it exploits his story in exchange for a short term sales boost.
As long as celebrities sell stuff I think it's great that ad agencies sign them up. Fact is, a company is fortunate to get a celebrity to endorse and promote their products. I don't see why anyone would be opposed to it.
Sure, they do it for money. But what isn't done for money today?
Susanna's Online Magazine
And it is NOT 'eXpresso', you dummy.
Celebrity endoorsements only work when the celeb fit's the brand/product. Clooney is perfect for the target demo that buys a $500 'freakin coffe machine'. All the late twenty/early thirty something girls I know have either gotten this for their wedding or registered for it. And these are six in city trendy womand with cash. Maybe a little young for the Clooney demo, but defenitly people who like to assiciate themselves with cool and class. Clooney is defenitly a throwback to that retro rat pack 'cool'
I went and looked this machine up at (very fussy people!) and it gets really good reviews. I wasn't expecting that!
Perhaps George really likes coffee...
-side rant-
I understand how some people might find it a little odd spending a large sum of money on a 'freakin' coffee machine' but you also need to analyze the coffee consumption of these people as well. (1) Purchasing out even on an occasional basis adds up (2) Most of the people I've encountered that have invested in a heavy duty machine entertain and require a machine that can provide a steady output of coffee drinks versus onesie twosies.
And no, I can't afford or own an $500 espresso machine ;)
why don't you do your homework before posting blogs? NESPRESSO (not "expresso") is a high-end product.
George has been questioned about appearing in the ads after launching a new film on corporate malpractice.
Nestle is the target of an international boycott because of its aggressive marketing of baby foods. Even Nestle admits it is 'widely boycotted'. Let us hope George will investigate and support the boycott. See:
George has been questioned about appearing in the ads after launching a new film on corporate malpractice.
Nestle is the target of an international boycott because of its aggressive marketing of baby foods. Even Nestle admits it is 'widely boycotted'. Let us hope George will investigate and support the boycott. See: