The Lenovo Tapes Arrive Just in Time to Combat Bad Press
Just in time to combat worries Chinese built Lenovo computers sold to the U.S. government may contain software to spy on government agencies comes this must-be hoax called The Lenovo Tapes, a site with three video showing laptops doing amazing things like sending out holographic images, automatically cleaning up coffee split on the keyboard and even mini rockets that prevent it from hitting the floor too hard if dropped. The guy who apparently wrote the site claims he was leaked the tapes from an acquaintance. The thing that really tells us this is a joke is the cheesy Geocities-like site design. I mean come on. Who would hand code when they could place this all on a blog? Why didn't the guy upload these to a YouTube account? Why is this, while the site's been around for a while, just appearing now, soon after Lenovo gets bad press? Whatever.
here they are, all three lenovo 'films' :