Clio Awards Announces Content & Contact, Design Jury
The 006 Clio Awards has announced two jury panels. The Clio Content & Contact category is led by jury chairman Paul Woolmington, founding partner of Naked Communications, New York. Woolmington was on the founding C&C jury in 2003, and one of the first media executives to serve as a Clio juror. The other C&C jury members are Guy Seese, creative director, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in San Francisco, California; Rodrigo Figueroa Reyes, president/executive creative director, FiRe Advertainment in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Richard Beaven, executive vice president/managing director, MediaVest USA in New York, and Robert Rasmussen, creative director, JWT in New York.
Serving as chairman of the 2006 Clio Design jury is Brian Collins, senior partner/executive creative director for the Brand Integration Group at Ogilvy & Mather, New York and Los Angeles. Other members of the esteemed jury include Laurie Rosenwald, president,, New York; Martin Venezky, senior designer, Appetite Engineers in Los Angeles, California; Garrick Hamm, creative director, Williams Murray Hamm Ltd., London, United Kingdom and Deborah Adler, senior designer, Milton Glaser Inc., New York.