Skeletal Nicole Ritchie to Pimp Diet Dr. Pepper Valentine's Day in New York
AdFreak points to a release that announces skin-on-bones celebrity Nicole Ritchie will, on Valentine's Day in New York, hand out flyers for, humorously, Diet Dr. Pepper. While one wonders if Dr. Pepper isn't trying to kill the poor girl surrounding her with all this diet pressure, AdFreak properly asks, in reaction the company's claim there's nothing diet about Diet Dr. Pepper, "If you don't want people thinking diet, why hire a skeleton?"
This has to be the most DIGUSTING pic I have seen. Forget a sandmich, get this girl an M&M!!!!
What's the line? Diet is "die" with a "t?"
yick! she looks like death.
Hey David Lee Roth - less Gucci, more gouda.
This is an example of a marketer using absolutely zero common sense in choosing a "spokesperson". Wonder what her "Q score" is? Could it be dropping along with her weight?
I am now no longer a diet dr pepper drinker and am disgusted by diet dr pepper's incredibly poor judgement. On a marketing note, I pity the person who came up with this "thin" idea.
why do we even know this woman ? why is she selling anything? i wouldn't buy a single product associated with her, she is the equivalent of the caloric content of diet dr. pepper, a zero.
this is sending an unhealthy message to diet dr. pepper drinkers and any other consumer who may run across the promotion. aesthetic standards are already unrealistic, now your saying we should all be anorexic?
Hey people get's not Dr Pepper that made her skinny! And the marketing person was brilliant...look how many people are talking about it already? She is incredibly popular...regardless of the handful of people that do not like her.