New England Patriots Highlight Visa Security Features
Visa has teamed with the NFL in an AKQA-created online campaign, called Know the Metaphors, which uses cartoon images of New England Patriot players standing in as metaphors for the Visa card's security features. In individual videos, each of the five selected players, Brandon Gorin, Tom Ashworth, Dan Koppen, Russ Hochstein and Matt Light use their football prowess in humorous ways to deter criminals and highlight Visa security features. It's a nice way of making boring credit card features like identity theft, fraud monitoring and that little three digit code on the back of the card seem interesting.
Considering that three of those fraud-protectors/linemen are out for the season with injuries, maybe Visa should re-think this a bit.
As long as the Coors Light Love Train doesn't show up, I'm diggin' it.
Why is this news? this campaign has been running since mid-october at the latest-