Adrants Is Not An Ad-Free Blog


It sure would be nice to live is a world without advertising but until aliens land and introduce an entirely new economic system, advertising will continue to make the world go 'round. We appreciate that there should always be a wall between advertising and editorial but we don't subscribe to the notion that advertising devalues content as do the folks over at Ad-Free Blog. The group places blogs on a pedestal and claims that advertising on blogs devalues the medium. Again, we could go into our tirade about how blogging is just a really easy way to publish a website and not this new uber-religion it's made out to be but will spare you that tired rant.

Contrary to the groups mantra, all blogs should not be ad-free. If all blogs should be ad-free, why not all websites? Why not all media? Why should blogs be held to this artificially higher standard? If the group is so adamant about advertising devaluing blogs, shouldn't they be out trying to stop advertising from devaluing all media? Climb out of the clouds and smell the real world.

by Steve Hall    Jan-24-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Announcements, Weblogs   

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Well put. A blog is a great tool for communications. And, it's like any other tool - as good or bad as the user. It's not a whole new way of writing - just writing (and more importantly) communications in a different form. Not going to cure cancer or solve the world's ills. That's up to us humans. And, ads are a personal choice by the blogger. Of course, that said - there is such a thing as "tacky" (singles ads on a supposedly serious or business blog, for example.)

Posted by: Mary Schmidt on January 24, 2006 12:45 PM

I agree with the "tacky" comment, but would also like to add something else.

For instance, it's hard to take a "Windows vs. Linux" blog seriously if the advertising on the site all points to Microsoft (or Red Hat, for that matter).

I have no objections to ads on blogs... but a person needs to be aware that the ads may dilute his/her message if there is a perceived or actual conflict-of-interest.


Posted by: kb on January 24, 2006 1:39 PM

I just wish there was a way to make real money with ads in miniscule blogs.

Doesn't SOMEONE want to sponsor my rants?

Posted by: JODSTER on January 24, 2006 2:09 PM

Totally 100% agree with you. It takes all my intestinal fortitude not to retch whenever someone throws around the word blogosphere. Commerce is attached to everything. Keep the ads coming - well, just not too many.

Posted by: michael bellavia on January 24, 2006 2:27 PM

Well Said!
I don't have ads on my site - but that is a choice (not a judgement of others) - I want to give the impression of impartiality - I also consider that the SMALL amount of income I MIGHT scrape up is not enough for me to destroy that halo of impartiality.

If I COULD make enough on advertising to justify the ads, I probably would have them - There comes a point where this becomes a job-without-pay.

ALSO, I continually point out to people that despite the unfortunate choice to put the word "Blog" in my title, I view the blogging software as a tool which is well suited to what and how I write. Not my participation is some new movement.

Posted by: Kevin Erskine on January 24, 2006 2:46 PM

"The that advertising on blogs devalues the medium."

So talking about advertising is ok, they just don't want any on the site. Yeah, no contradiction there.

Posted by: makethelogobigger [TypeKey Profile Page] on January 24, 2006 3:01 PM

frankly, i think that a blog about ads not having any ads would be IRRESPONSIBLE

Posted by: khy on January 24, 2006 5:16 PM

I work for a MAJOR newspaper. Research shows that as many as 80% of people in a local market consult the newspaper on buying decisions. Niche markets should be no different. Everyone wants to buy something. Some people even want to sell something, even if it is an idea.

If no one advertised, then there would be no publishes to keep things humming along, paying the site hosting and making sure java scripts work and the site looks "pretty".

At the end of the day, bloggers and advertisers care about one thing.....the right audience. If not, they are just lunatics on a keyboard.

Best regards,


Posted by: john on January 24, 2006 10:38 PM

I could rant about this one but will take the easy way out: I agree with every word Steve Hall says about this, and many of you commenters.

What I really want to know is this: What grade are these two going to get for their class? I am sure the professor who came up with this assignment is very proud it has gone this far.

Posted by: Bucky da ANIMAL on January 25, 2006 12:20 AM

Here's something to support your point of view:

www.adfreeblog.COM is there to counter's hypocrisy.

Posted by: The Buzz on March 15, 2006 2:37 PM

Here's something to support your point of view:

www.adfreeblog.COM is there to counter's hypocrisy.

Posted by: The Buzz on March 15, 2006 2:38 PM

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