Sony Bravia Commercial Unmasked
Why we haven't seen this before we do not know - or perhaps we did and filed it aways with the other 300 ads we see every day - but in July Danish director Nicolai Fuglsig, working for Fallon, filmed 250,000 multi-colored balls being dropped from huge cranes and shot out of cannons creating an avalanche of color streaming down the streets of San Francisco to promote Sony's bravia LCD TV. It's exquisitely beautiful. Thanks to Emily over at Eatmail, there's a behind the scenes video of the shoot.
Sony's Bravia ad may be beautiful - it runs a full 2 minutes in Europe. But what's the message? Something about color. But I already have color so it's a nice to look at ad with no meaningful message whatsoever.
Does anyone know who is the singer/band doing the music?
Jos� Gonz�lez' "Heartbeats"
more info at
the purpose of an ad is to peak your interest in a product. This comercial is so beautiful that the buzz it creates will be a boon for Sony, and their new Bravia
Jos頇onzᬥz is from Sweden just like me, have seen him playing live =)
Jose Gonzalez is from Sweden just like me, have seen him playing live =)
Plese can anyone tell me what is the music of the commercial of the tv sony bravia...
The music track is Heartbeats, performed by Jose Gonzalez
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