Site Promoted With Boiled Hot Dogs
This is just weird but it was intriguing enough to watch until the end which , given our ADD-addled brain, says a lot. There's really nothing that exciting about watching a guy boil hot dogs until you realize its not the hot dogs he really wants. Oh, and it's all to promote Steve's Word (no, not this Steve), a "prurient sophomoric gratuitously smut-ridden humor site."
That is just sick. That is so gross I can't even believe he did that. Gross!
I like the quality of the spot- really gritty and homemade. It wouldn't be right to have something like this be big and high gloss. The carefully constructed ametuer-ism of it works wonderfully in its favor.
Uh, listen, are you going to eat those hot dogs?
hot dog water...its the new tea. delicious
hot dog water - sounds like a jam band. funny clip guys.
i love the smell of hotdogs in the morning.
"The best part of wakin' up ..."
That was totally sweet. I love the impromptu chest hair grooming. Not that I've ever done that in the kitchen or anything. Um ...
Keep it up.
This is going to take America by storm and I'm going to cash in on it all.
Go Kitchen!
Splendidly disgusting. Great spot. Great site.
Did anyone else want to know what he was gazing upon through the first rays of that new morn'? Perhaps it was the manifestation of his hot dog water hubris, riding the unsaddled back of a snow-white mare, poised triumphantly upon the rotting carcass of a filthy swollen-teated sow. Or maybe he just farted.
The site is awful. It will probably take the country by storm. Hot dog man may well be the next Lucky Charms elf-whatever.
Does it play? Not that I want to see it. I like the Steve's Word. But thats not the word.
I was in Starbucks the other day and they had hotdog tea on the menu. They were trying to pass it off like the big wigs came up with the best idea in the world themselves, when we all know the man with the flowing chest hair did. Typical Starbucks move.
Is that guy dating anyone?
heh. i know that guy. makes it even more icky.