Great Pointed Archer A Stealth Marketing Effort For PR Agency


In late September we began receiving links to a site called Great Pointed Archer which positioned itself as a save/rename the rat cause site. They even sent us T-shirts. Of course we immediately figured it was a front for something else but the folks behind the site held fast and insisted it was simply an effort to be nice to rats. Sure. Well, as expected, it was a ploy. Today, an Adrants reader went to a Great Pointed Archer rally in Manhattan and reports it is, in fact, just a stealth marketing effort by a PR firm who, he figured, wishes they were an advertising firm. At least that's what we've been told We're tracking down the details.

UPDATE: According to Alex from Museum of Hoaxes, this same claim that a rally occurred in Manhattan was received by him. Our sense is it really is just a stealth stunt by some entity who is playing all of us to some final purpose which, at some point, will be revealed making us all look foolish.

by Steve Hall    Nov-16-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Guerilla, Strange   

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I also received an email today from someone who went to a Great Pointed Archer rally today in Manhattan, only to discover it was orchestrated by a PR firm (whose name he couldn't remember). (I run the Museum of Hoaxes site.) I suspect these emails we received were themselves sent by a PR firm trying to stir up new interest in the Great Pointed Archer campaign. What I'm wondering: was there actually a rat rally in Manhattan?

Posted by: Alex Boese on November 17, 2005 12:12 AM

hahahah...why would anyone in the PR business wish they were in the Advertising business? Kind of like a cardiologist wishing he were a podiatrist.

And, yes, there was a rat rally in Manhattan yesterday

Posted by: doug_buemi on November 17, 2005 8:01 PM