Donald Trump Gets Subservient For Writer's Guild
We're about a week behind on this but, according to Google, it ain't news yet. So we're going to help make it news by telling you that the Writers Guild of America, West, some of whom work as reality TV writers, has launched Subservient Donald, part of Product Invasion and yet another take on the now famous Subservient Chicken. The Guild, which recently called for a code of conduct to govern product placement on television and require disclosure during credits, are behind Product Invasion which is an attack on the insanity of television product placement. Subservient Donald is a humorous take on the topic featuring a Donald Trump look-a-like who spouts product-laden snark in reaction to various commands. Let's see what kind of link-fest this thing cooks up.
great site! If I were Burger King I would be pissed! command him to: EAT.
I also liked fly.
Awesome! Thanks for pointing out this site - try typing in karate and scream - they're hilarious...
GG guys - way to come up with a new idea!
LOL I think it's funny. "It's made of people!" Little continuity stuff between shots but whatever, it's still amusing.