Banned 'Still Speaking' Church Ad Wins Award
Almost a year after their broadcast ad was rejected by all three major networks - ABC, NBC and CBS - as too controversial the United Church of Christ has won the Association of National Advertisers Annual Award for Multicultural Excellence for its gay and minority-inclusive "Bouncers" ad and The Initiative campaign. The ad was created by Gotham NY ad agency. The award "recognizes the efforts of a corporate marketer for an outstanding multicultural advertising campaign" among all major corporate advertisers, from Coca Cola to General Motors, nationally and internationally.
WOW - Best multicultral award my ass! What a bunch of fucking bullshit that is! Those haters shoulod be banned from everything. That ad only creates more hate and intolerance. And people go and give them a fucking award? What's next, let's give Bush another 4 years?
Fuck whoever voted for that ad to win. Yoiu motherfuckers go and fuck yourselves you fucking bible thumpers.
Hmmm ... glad to see that tolerance and love is alive and well in the marketing space (see above).
Actually, this spot makes a fairly compelling message about inclusion and given the political heat the current administration has been (and continues) putting on moral "issues" like the marriage amendment, the major networks showed their collective cowardice for not running the spot. Talk about media "leadership" - it was distinctly absent when the UCC tried to run their campaign last year.
Glad to see they won this award.
Now, for those of you who are looking for something a little more irreverent, take a look at this AdRants post: - maybe that's more your style.
Mike Bawden
Brand Central Station
The commercial deserves the award.
I'm an independent graphic designer who was married in San Francisco last year, then unmarried by the state because I'm gay.
I appreciated the commercial very much then, and I am happy to see it and its sensibilities rewarded.