Marriage and Virginity to Hit Times Square
Campaign For Our Children, the folks who brought the Marriage Works campaign last Spring are bringing a new version of campaign, breaking this fall, to New York, along with a campaign called Pink which touts the benefits of marriage to older teens and promotes abstinence among tweens and young teens. While we were a bit snide when the original campaign broke, writing, "the only thing that will reduce teen pregnancy is surgically implanting a permanent female condom inside every girl under the age of 18. Oh, and a little dose of open, parental discussion about sex and its consequences," we admit education on these issues is a very good thing but marriage does not always guarantee an ideal life.
.........But girlfriends and wives can.
Oh my. Isn't it great to encourage older teenagers to get married before they even know who they are. That way, there will be loads of divorces when they reach their thirties.
Oh,and I will start working on my promotional video about us being in charge of our own fates and acting in a responsible manner. It's not the sex that is the problem, it's the lack of education around it.
"Virginity can't be replaced." And, the point is —what?
All women are strippers and this campaign changes nothing.