50 Cent Stumps The Bubble Project


Apparently, 50 Cent and his movie campaign have stymied the efforts of The Bubble Project, a grassroots effort which placed 15,000 stickers on ads around New York City allowing people to add commentary to ads The Bubble Project says are over running public space. Flicker user and College Humor partner Jackob Lodwick who notes the sticker on the movie poster has been blank for two days and wonders if people are simply too scared of 50 Cent to make a comment.

Recently, several posters for the 50 Cent movie "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" caused complaints for their glorification of violence and were taken down by the movie's studio, Paramount.

by Steve Hall    Oct-30-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Poster, Trends and Culture   

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"Apparently, 50 Cent and his movie campaign have stymied the efforts of The Bubble Project"

yeah or maybe no one really gives a shit about "The Bubble Project". just another lame "subversive graffiti artist" with a bullshit manifesto about the public space and blah blah blah. get a job sir.

Posted by: anon on October 31, 2005 11:28 PM


No one may give a shit about these tiny little pieces of bullshit but if you're going tell someone to get a job, you should at least be man/woman enough to say it with a true identity.

Steve Hall
Adrants Publisher

Posted by: Steve Hall on November 1, 2005 9:12 AM

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